Remote Controlled Drones/Volantex Phoenix 2400
Build - Matthew Heiskell (540km)
- Matek F405 Wing with Arduplane
- 12x12 APC propeller
- Racerstar 4108 600KV motor
- Turnigy Plush-32 30A ESC (LVC disabled)
- 50,000 mAh 4s Li-Ion battery pack that I made with LG M50 cells
- average current: 5A
- Total weight 4.5kg
Build - Tree Orbit (200km)
- F405-WING
- frsky L9R / frsky XJT + Booster Amplifier 2W +Antenna Yagi 16dbi....(max 97km)
- Vtx 5.8ghz 800mw (antenna 2dbi)...(80-100km)
- Vrx RC832S + Antenna 23dbi
- 3DR Telemetry RFD900 (915Mhz) +Antenna Yagi 13dbi....(100km good..)
- motor 3508 700kv (Racerstar Racing Edition 3508 BR3508 700KV)
- 12×8
- Battery 18650 5S6P ~20000mah
- Total weight 2,950g