Projects:EASA PPL/Principles of Flight
- Terminology:
- Chord line: line from leading edge to trailing edge
- Camber line: halfway between upper and lower surface (start: leading edge / end: trailing edge)
- Camber: curvature of camber line (distance between camber line and chord line)
- angle of attack (alpha): angle between chord line and free flow
- pitch angle (theta):
- flight path angle (gamma):
- theta = gamma + alpha
- angle of incidence: angle between chord line and fuselage (Anströmwinkel)
- Induced angle of attack: result of downwash, due to tip vortices
- Effective angle of attack: angle between chord and actual local airflow
- Load factor: lift / weight (max for utility aircraft = 4.4)
- Bernoulli
- Ptot = Pstat + Pdyn
- Pdyn = 1/2 * rho * V²
- Wing aspect ratio: ratio between wing span and mean geometric chord
- Lift:
- Drag:
- Induced drag: result of creating lift
- Parasitic drag:
- Form drag: due to shape
- Skin friction drag: surface roughness
- Interference drag: created at junction of 2 bodies of the aircraft
- DragP = CDrag * Pdyn * S
- DragP = CDrag * 1/2 * rho * V² * S
- Lift + Weight + Thrust + Drag
- Stall
- Stall speed in a turn: VStallInTurn = VStallStraight * sqrt( 1 / cos (phi) )
- Propeller
- Gyroscopic precession - pitch and yaw