Projects:EASA PPL/Human Performance and Limitations
- Astigmatism
- Myopia: optical image forms in front of retina
- Presbyopia: loss of elasticity of crystalline lens, due to ageing, long sightedness
- Hypermetropia
- Rods: night vision
- Cones: day vision
- Dark adaptation: 30min
- Light adaptation: 10sec
- Degradation of night vision: starting 5000ft
- Fovea: best day vision (cones), no night vision, used for reading
- Optimise night vision: adapt, avoid blinding, do not focus on the point to be observed
- Autokinetic illusion: staring at at point of fixed light appears to move
- Empty field myopia: no object to focus on
- Eustachian tube: connecting throat and middle ear
- Middle ear: hammer, anvil, stirrup
- Inner ear:
- Vestibular apparatus: sacculus and utriculus, 3 semicircular channels
- Otoliths (in utriculus and sacculus): affected by gravity and linear acceleration
- Semi circular canals: angular acceleration
- noise
- Coriolis illusion: head movements during turns -> spatial disorientation
- Dont fly with a cold: pain and damage to eardrum can result, espacially during fast decents
- Pilots vertigo: dizziness, tumbling sensation caused by contradictory impulses
Blood cycle
- Allow transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide, chemical substances to transport information
- Pulmonary artery: -oxygen, +carbon dioxide
- carotid
- aorta
- pressoreceptors: in carotid and aortic arterial vessels
- alveoli: carbon dioxide partial pressure is higher in the blood, so it moves out of blood
- Exercise: double the heart rate for 20+min, 3x per week
- Smoking: 5-8% less oxygen transport
- Low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia): headache, lack of concentration
- Arteries: to tissue
- Veins: return from tissue
- Blood pressure (standard); 120/80
- Heart rate: 60-80 beats/min
- Blood flow: 5 L/min
- Divided attention: multitasking, (not delegation)
- Skilled: trains regularly, know yourself, keep resources free for unexpected
- G force tolerance increase: Bend forward, tension abdominal muscles
- G force tolerance decrease: Low blood sugar, obesity, hypoxia
- Hyperventilation: Dizziness, Muscular spasms, visual disturbances, breath in bag, control breath rate and depth
- Scuba diving: Forbidden, decompression sickness, -> pain in the joints (the bends)
- Hypoxia:
- Fatigue, Euphoria, Lack of concentration, Blue lips and finger nails, unconscious (Daltons Law)
- Short term memory impairment starts at 12000ft
- Decompression sickness: dissolved gases from tissues and fluids of the body (Henrys law)
- Barotrauma: gases increase or decrease in body, facial sinuses, middle ear, dental cavities
- Otic Barotrauma: worse during descent, because eustation tube is closed, pressure can not equalize
Lungs / Breathing
- Volume: 6L
- Daltons law: Hypoxia (Sum of multiple gases partial pressures = total pressure of gas mixture)
- Boyles law: Rising air expands
- Henrys law: Decompression sickness, gas bubbles moving out of solution
- Grahams law:
- Law of diffusion: oxygen transfer from alveoli to blood
Seat of the pants
- Receptors: muscles, tendons, joints
- Body temp: <35°C shivering will cease, apathy
Runway perception
- narrower than normal: lower than it appears, landing short, should flatten the approach
- wider than normal: higher than it appear, landing long
- dropping off: approach is higher than normal -> result in long landing
- in fog: runway appears further away than it actually is
- Alcohol:
- 15mg / 25ml per hour
- Memory
- Cocktail party effect: pick up relevant information unintentionally
- Attention guided by: level of automation, salience of information, expectations
- Decision making: voluntary+conscious process to select a solution for a problem
- Communication: send information in line with the receivers decoding capabilities
- Check list: important items first
- Status vs Role: status defines hierarchical position and recognition by group, role defines behaviours and functions
- Behaviour: Attitude and personality, adaptable
- Alarm phase (stress): increased arousal (due to adrenaline), increase heart rate, respiration, decrease stress resistance
- Resistance phase (stress): activation of autonomic nervous system (ANS), long-term psychosomatic disorders
- Stress: mobilization of resources, required to cope with the stressors
- Jet lag: Adjustment takes longer when traveling east
- Orthodox sleep: physical recovery
- Fatigue: Chronic short-term and acute
BMI = Mass / Height²