Projects:EASA PPL/Aircraft General Knowledge

From Wiki


  • Flutter: torsion + bending
  • Shimmy: sinusoidal motion/vibration + damper
  • Trim tab:
    • reduce/cancel control forces
    • reduces hinge moment
    • reduces control surface efficiency

Fuselage & General Design

  • Stringers: assist the skin withstand longitudinal compressive loads
  • Wing spar: web + girders
  • Truss framework: used in light training aircraft
  • Monocoque: skin takes all the load
  • Semi-Monocoque: skin, frames, stringers -> skin takes majority of the load
  • Safe Life Design: may be used for number of cycles or flight hours

Landing Gear

  • Recoil: Pressurized Air or Nitrogen
  • Dampener: Oil


  • Yaw pedals: control heading, balance, slip and skip


  • Blade tip is moving faster than blade root -> Prop is twisted, so that angle of attack stays the same at the tip
  • Constant Speed Propeller:
    • Pitch angle increases with increasing true air speed
    • manifold pressure increase -> prop pitch angle will increase
    • Engine failure: prop moves to lowest pitch, due to centrifugal force / spring force
  • Slipstream effect of Prop: at low airspeed with high power


  • Electrical ice protection: prevent ice on small surfaces
  • Static dischargers: on wing and tail tips for electrical discharge + reduce radio interference, limit transfer of electrical charge from clouds
  • Circuit breaker
    • Thermal: regular, slow
    • Magnetic: faster


  • Otto motor:
    • Diagramm: 2 adiabatic + 2 isochoric lines
    • Ignition before TDC (top dead center) at each second revolution
  • Max EGT is associated with mass ratio of 1/15
  • Carburettor ice with fixed prop: turn carb heat on, decrease in RPM -> increase in RPM
  • Gearbox: magnesium alloy
  • Monitor engine power: RPM meter


  • Magneto impulse coupling: stronger spark at TDC for engine starting, retarded spark
  • Magnetic field flux: a conductor cuts the flux of a magnetic field -> emf is induced in the conductor


  • Trailing edge flaps: increase lift at a lower angle of attack


  • True heading -> Magnetic heading: use variation (from map with isogonal lines)
  • Magnetic compass: turning error due to vertical component of earths magnetic field
  • Compass check swing: measure the angle between magnetic north and compass north
  • Compass indication on acceleration or deceleration
    • ANDS - Accelerate North - Decelerate South


  • Density altitude: the altitude of the standard atmosphere on which the density is equal to the actual density of the atmosphere