< Linux
Cloud-Init to bare metal with USB sticks
- Prepare 2x USB sticks
- Ubuntu Server standard bootable USB
- FAT32, name "CIDATA"
- Boot with both USB sticks plugged in
- G:\meta-data (empty file)
- G:\user-data
#cloud-config autoinstall: version: 1 identity: hostname: edgeserver password: <passwdhash> # mkpasswd --method=SHA-512 username: marcluer kernel: package: linux-generic-hwe-22.04 apt: geoip: true keyboard: layout: de toggle: null variant: nodeadkeys locale: en_US.UTF-8 source: id: ubuntu-server-minimal ssh: allow-pw: true authorized-keys: [] install-server: true storage: layout: name: direct updates: security late-commands: # shut-down the host after copying completed - shutdown -h now user-data: timezone: Europe/Berlin