< Python
- not changeable
a = (1,2,3) b = ("test", "with", "strings")
b[0] -> test
- changeable
c = [4,5,6] d = ["this", "is", "a", "list"]
d[0] -> this
d[0] = 'new' d[0:1] = ['new', 'stuff'] d.append('dude') d.count('new') del d[0:1] d.extend(['more', 'elements'] d.index(x) d.insert(i,x) d.pop() d.remove(x) d.reverse() d.sort()
- mapping
e = {'size':5, 'color':'red', 'weight':100}
e['size'] -> 5
+ - * / // % ** & | < <= > >= != == is is not in not in and or
Flow Control
If Then Else
if x < 0: print('Negative') elif x == 0: print('Zero') else: print('More')
For loops
for x in ['cat', 'dog', 'bird']: print (x) for i in [1,2,3,4,5]: print (i+10)
While loops
while test: print (answer)
while True: print (answer) if answer == '2': break
x = 0 while x < 50: x = x+1
try ... except
try: result = x / y except ZeroDivisionError: print("division by zero!") else: print("result is", result) finally: print("executing finally clause")
assert break continue del exec global import nonlocal pass raise return yield
string = "Hello World" string = 'Hello World' string[4] # = 'o' string.split(' ') # ['Hello', 'World']
String functions
capitalize() center(width) count(sub,start,end) decode() encode() endswith(sub) expandtabs() find(sub,start,end) index(sub,start,end) isalnum() isalpha() isdigit() islower() isspace() istitle() isupper() join() ljust(width) lower() lstrip() partition(sep) replace(old,new) rfind(sub,start,end) rindex(sub,start,end) rjust(width) rpartition(sep) rsplit(sep) rstrip() split(sep) splitlines() startswith(sub) strip() swapcase() title() translate(table) upper() zfill(width)
Input & Output
x = input("input:")
print(x+12) print("Hello world") print("Integer: %i, Float: %6.2f" % (123, 12.043)) print("Integer: {intvar:i}, Float: {floatvar:.2f}") print("value of x: {0:05d}".format(x)) print("%3i%6s" % (i, chr(i)))
import sys sys.argv[1]
file = open (ordersfile, 'rb') file.readline() file.close()
import pickle with open(ordersfile, 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(orders, fp) with open (ordersfile, 'rb') as fp: orders = pickle.load(fp)
Escape sequences
ES Note \\ backslash \' ' \" " \b backspace \f form feed \n line feed \t horizontal tab \v vertical tab \N{Name} Unicode by name \uxxxx 16bit unicode \uxxxxxxxx 32bit unicode \123 ASCII code \xhh Extended ASCII code (hex)
import datetime
today() now(timezoneinfo) utcnow() fromordinal(ordinal) combine(date,time) strptime(date,format) fromtimestamp(timestamp) utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)
import time
replace() utcoffset() isoformat() __str__() dst() tzname() strftime(format)
strftime & strptime format